
La Presenza del Presidente della Camera di commercio alla Cerimonia della Settimana della Cucina Italiana

Su invito dell’Onorevole Ambasciatore d’Italia in Iran, Sua Eccellenza Giuseppe Perone, Cavaliere Ahmad Pourfallah, ha partecipato il 15 dicembre 2021 alla cerimonia della Settimana della Cucina Italiana presso l’ambasciata.

In questa cerimonia privata, il presidente della Camera ha tenuto un breve discorso in occasione di questo evento e, congratulandosi per la settimana del cibo all’amato popolo d’Italia, ha anche menzionato la cultura sociale e l’arte culinaria italiana.

Il testo del discorso è il seguente:

First of all, I would like to congratulate the food’s week to all the dear Italian and the people of the world.

Cooking in the Italy is not just about eating.

Food in the Italy is a cultural and social culture and one kind of art and comes from the old families.

Among the list of Favorite foods of the people in the world, there are at least the names of several Italian dishes.

In the Iran also, Pizza and the spaghetti, which are gifts from the Italy to the rest of the world, are more popular than other foreign foods such as hamburgers and steaks.

There are a huge factory in Iran with Italian line that produce pasta and spaghetti.

Any festival like this celebration and gathering.

As someone who loves the Italy and Italian very much, I am really happy to have participated in this celebration and gathering.

I would like to thank the Ambassador and his colleagues for holding this celebration.

It is good opportunity that say Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to our friends in Embassy and Consulate a few days before.

Thanks again,

Have a nice time.


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